Wednesday 25 May 2011

Beautiful Hair


I have launched my beautification process as part of my Success blog; we all know that Beauty is in the eye of the beholder *slight yawn* but what does it all really mean?  Something or someone that makes us feel happy, excited and elated can be described as beautiful and all this is, of course, totally subjective. What one person deems beautiful might differ vastly from someone else and these differences are magnified when you compare what people from different cultures, race and generation.

It's a mission to beautify oneself on a limited budget and my penchant for running and the great outdoors will hinder this further, but I thought I would start with my hair ( my mum would be a huge supporter of this; she finds my hair upsetting and would love for it to be 'neat'). 

I found myself at my favorite Beauty Emporium in Collingwood, Strands, where the glorious Skot worked his magic and I left feeling like a different person!
This is me, this is my hair *gasp*. Not sure how long it will last.. but hopefully for more than 24 hours. And having gorgeous hair did make me feel like I was on top of the world. I have a couple of secret weapons up my sleeve to try and maintain the gorgeous locks; Morroccan oil ( this stuff is like liquid gold) and the Aussie 3 minute miracle, ( my mum sends me these in the post [more please mutter.. x]) 

I did a little research and apparently long hair represents a young, healthy individual (without vitamin deficiency etc etc) which is possibly why hollywood sirens habitually court long, luscious locks. I have always had super short, cropped elfin hair so it will be interesting to see whether having 'longer' hair affects my life in any way. However, the bottom line is as long as Darren thinks I look beautiful then nothing else really matters ( and he very much liked my new do)

Talking of beauty, it seems that EVERYONE seems to think the new Princess Catherine is at the top of the list. After wearing this lovely Reiss Shola dress today during the Obama 'BBQ' [in central London?], the internet collapsed; turns out, every female with access to a computer had tried to order the dress online. I realized the gravity of the situation while I was chatting to my sister and skype shut down... she revealed shortly afterwards that she had tried to log to

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